Skill Building: The Couch Potato Drill
While most of us want to become better shooters, getting to the range isn’t always easy, and let’s face it, many of us lack the work ethic to really achieve greatness. Enter the Couch Potato Drill!
Ammo is expensive, and the range can be pretty cold this time of year, so this dry fire drill will test your skills against some of Hollywood’s best. Verify your firearm is completely unloaded, preferably moving all ammo out of the room. This step is important not just to maintain proper firearm safety, but also because you will be pointing your gun at one of your most prized possessions (your tv).
Start your favorite quick draw-heavy movie or tv show. When a quick draw scene comes up, play through it a few times while practicing beating the actor to the draw. Muscle memory is built by repetition of correct mechanics; we recommend a slower warm up with Barney Fife.
Work your way up to some of more skillful pistoleros of the big screen, focusing on proper mechanics and safe gun handling.
Don’t be too hard on yourselves if you come across a scene you just can’t beat. Jim Zubiena’s performance on Miami Vice required no acting - he was an IPSC Grand Master!
Try it out, and let us know what movie scenes you have successfully bested.
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